Updated 19th december 2003

Huma (= Nekhouma ) BORNSZTAJN (?-1942)

See also the page concerning her cousin Aline OLSER (Zalcensztajn) with much other interesting informations

POLOGNE: Une certaine Nekhouma xxxxxxx est citée par des sources proches de la famille (mari de Alla OLZSER) comme étant la fille d'une soeur ou d'un frère à Icek Lajb ZALCENSZTAJN ou à Frandla BORNSZTAJN. Cette Nekhouma a été assassinée par les nazis sans doute en 1942 [N1]. En réalité Nekhouma est Huma BORNSZTAJN une cousine de Aline OLSZER ZALCENSZTAJN! Elle est la fille d'Usher BORNSZTAJN, frère de Frandla BORNSZTAJN!

Huma Bornsztajn a émigré en France. Huma BORNSZTAJN and Jacques Olser met together and fall in love in Lodz in 1924 and Jacques was suppose to go to army in Poland after it for his military service. As he did not want to go to the army, he migrate in France. Jacques Olszer found a flat in the quarter of Saint paul in the 4th arrondissement (district) of paris and a job as a worker in the automobile factories of Citroën. When he had enough money, he helped Huma BORNSZTAJN to come to him in Paris. Jacques and Huma were married in september 1926 in Paris and there witnesses were Icek Lajb ZALCENSZTAJN and Frandla BORNSZTAJN, the parents of Alla ZALCENSZTAJN! that Salek Olszer was born the 19th of april 1927... After years of happyness the war came. Avec son mari et son fils, elle est retournée vivre en Pologne à Pietkov (Lodz) avant la guerre. Lorsque la Pologne a été envahie, et que Pietrkov (Piotrkow) s'est retrouvé sous occupation nazie, elle et son mari ont aménagé un placard dans l'appartement pour y cacher des provision, et le cas échéant pour s'y réfugier. Hélas, en 1942, les nazis sont venu la chercher en l'absence de son mari et de son fils, et pour une raison, elle n'a pas pu se cacher. Elle a donc été déportée puis assassinée dans un camp de concentration nazi.

Après son arrestation, son mari Jacques et son fils Salek ont continué un temps à vivre là-bas. Jacques avait cahé de l'or sous un tat de charbon dans la commendentur dans laquelle il travaillait et pensant que lui et son fils n'avait aucune cahnce tous les deux, il s'est enfui avec cet or en Allemagne où il a travaillé sur les voies ferrées en se faisant passer pour un travailleur Polonais [N2]. Son fils Salek est resté seul en Pologne. Il a été arrêté et déporté. Salek Olszer was deported from a gettho of Piotkow-Tribunalski (and not as it was written before, through the french camp of Drancy, then to Compiegne, in 1942. 2 or 3 days after he was in the concentration camp of Buchenwald near Weimar: Salek did not speak french before he immgrate ther in 1946 [N3]). The deported people were working there as slaves for BMW automobile, IG farbenindustries, Schneider etc... As Simon Olszer was only 16 years old, he was declared apt to work everydays for these industries until he was chosen to work in the new camp of Theresienstadt working as a slave to build bazookas wheapons for the german army. Those who were founded inapted by the nazis were sent to Auschwitz or killed immediatly. The complete description of what happen to Simon Olszer was written by my father after Simon Olszer described it in details for him in april 1997. Of course even the world 'horrible' is not enough... [N4, N5]. After a bombardment, Simon Olszer was transfered in a other camp, called Schlieben. Beetween the 6 and the 11 of may 1945 (Yes, even 3 days after the capitulation of Germany!), one million SS army resisted around his camp in the region of Prag against the soviet army lead by the great general Koniev, commandant the 1st Ukhrainian front. The SS killed many of the deportees before to capitulate. The french great poet Robert DESNOS was also in Theresienstadt, liberated the 8th may 1945 but died fews days after. Salek Olszer died in Paris in 1998.

[N1] données personnelles de Jacques OLZSER (= OLSER), mari d'Alla OLZSER, 1998.

[N2] informations fournies par son petit-fils Laurent en décembre 2003

[N3] Information given by Laurent Olszer, dec 2003

[N4] All these informations were written by my father Simon Salzenstein after he met Simon Olszer for an interview in april 1997.

[N5] it has to be mentionned that a french team of the Fundation 'Spielberg' based in Los Angeles, lead an interview asking many details to Simon Olszer in order to have his version, to keep the memory of the holaucaust by interviewing survivors.

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